
I am the owner and webmaster of the website Soul of the Seasons. This Tumblr collects images related to the four Dark Warlords (aka Yon dai Mashou), and Kayura. I hope you enjoy my posts and I hope you will also take the time to visit my fansite.

Please note: If you would like to use anything I’ve posted here on websites like Pinterest, please link back to this Tumblr in the source. (If you can link back to the individual Tumblr post, OR the source I list in that post, that’s even better!)
Oooor.. you can visit my Pinterest profile and pin away!

And as always, thank you for your interest in what I do.


P.S. I’ve also started a personal tumblr if anyone is interested in it. (For everything else not Dark Warlord/Mashou or Kayura related.)

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