If I’ve seemed quiet lately it’s because I’ve been busy with my fan site. I have been working behind the scenes to change from using Dreamweaver to edit my site to using WordPress. The easiest way to accomplish this was to spin off my fan site onto its own URL. So now my fan site can be located at www.souloftheseasons.com.
I’ll be working on removing content from the old URL and adding links to where the new pages can be found.
I had hoped to have this done by my site’s birthday on October 15th. I’m happy to have exceeded that goal. This has been a lot of work for me and I hope you enjoy the results.
cakuni.com is planned to become just personal page ‘stuff’. It too will eventually switch to WordPress. But for now, I’m happy to present the latest redesign of Soul of the Seasons. To all of my fans and visitors, especially those who have stuck with me over all these years, thank you. <3