Christopher Watts has shared with me another piece of fanart, and music he’s recreated from the TV series. This piece of music starts with Rajura talking, doing his surekill attack, and then the music starts. You will recognize this piece from when Dais/Rajura is attacking the Ronins/Troopers. Christopher has given the title the tentative track name of “Oooh What A Tangled Web Gen Masho Rajura Weaves.” Give it a listen here. I think he did a great job.
Here is the fanart he made to go with this latest track:
And remember he has a channel on YouTube called Wizzattz Productions as well. Christopher may be uploading his tracks and fanart there as well.
Once again thank you Christopher for submitting your work! If anyone wishes to email him, he is available at wizzattz at gmail dot com.
I received the following submission from Christopher Watts.
“I am a huge fan of Yoroiden Samurai Troopers/Ronin Warriors, especially of the music… There is a track that usually plays when the Troopers/Warriors are backed into a corner or at their wits end against the Dark Warlords/Mashous or whoever the bad guy is at the moment, but for some reason it isn’t available on any of the soundtracks, but I love this piece of music. It’s not perfect, but I tried to recreate it as best as I could.”
Christopher has given the track the tentative name of “The Troopers Are In Danger/The Mashous Are Closing In”. The track is available on Have a listen. I think he did an awesome job.
Christopher has a channel on YouTube called Wizzattz Productions where he uploads his 2Pac remixes, if any of you are interested in checking that out.
He also submitted this great piece of fanart that he drew of Anubis/Shuten Douji to go along with the music he sent.
He also went on to say, “I do have another YST/RW remake track that I have been trying to perfect… It’s the track that’s played when Rajura/Dais first appeared to fight against Ryo and Shin/Cye, attacked all the Troopers/Warriors inside the gate after the wind dropped them all to the ground and when Kenbukyo/Lord Saber Strike was talking to Ryo on the second episode he appeared in right after the commercial break. (You might recognize what track I’m talking about. It has bongos and kongas playing in it. I’m sampling that portion to really capture that sound) I’m also working on an drawing of Rajura to go along with the remade track.”
I hope everyone enjoys these fantastic submissions from Christopher. If you wish to email him, he is available at wizzattz at gmail dot com.
Thank you Christopher for submitting your work!
Personally, I’m constantly blown away by various fans of the series. From people translating books to various discussions of the series, fanfiction, fanart, music, and more, your love for this series really shows.