Website Update 1/10/16

  • Between the last posted blog update and this one, I changed/upgraded my site’s theme to GeneratePress. It was the best option I found. I lost some things exclusive to my old WordPress theme, like having certain widgets/sidebars display only on the main index page. Ah well.
  • Doujinshi, doujinshi, doujinshi! I think I counted 22 new doujinshis added to the site. Select Merchandise and then each doujinshi page. (Remember they’re split up down due to the amount. I wonder if I’ll have to split them into three pages by title eventually, or maybe more!)

I was hoping to do more, but I’ve come down with a bit of a cold. The problem of coming back to work after vacation is all of the people who come back to work sick and spread their colds. Ugh. It’s sapped most of my energy away. So rest and relaxation for me as I get over this and hopefully then back to work on the site.

I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope some wonderful things happen to you dear visitor this year.

Oh and for those of you looking into writing and checking off things on a list this year, I recommend looking into Todoist. I found it late last year. Maybe it’ll help you out. 🙂