Major Update in progress – broken gallery images (Edit: Done)

Soooo.. for a while now I’ve been having problems with a WordPress plugin that I used for image galleries. Well it finally got to the point that I had to disable it. I’m currently looking for alternative plugins that will work, and thus having to recreate the image galleries on my site one at a time. Needless to say this will be a long process.

So if you see code in places images should be, yeah that’s the disabled old plugin at work. Hopefully I can find a good replacement. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Long story: The old plugin stopped updating a while ago. I’ve been meaning to look into this but haven’t had the dedicated time it would take. It kinda looks like maybe the creator changed, or the company handling it changed. Either way my lifetime license was no longer working for me and I wasn’t getting updates. I tried a while back to contact the creator and reach out, explaining my situation, but never heard back. So I’m a bit leery of buying a license AGAIN if the plugin keeps causing me issues and seeming lack of contact or even trying to work with me. So at this point an alternative would be a better choice, even if I have to manually fix everything.

Everything fixed so far:

All “Series Pictures” pages are fixed.

All wallpapers are back up. For mine I only put back up the larger wallpaper size as that just made things easier for me.

Merchandise – Other book publications and Toys, etc are updated.

I noted the new plugin does crop the thumbnails. I’m not sure if there’s a way to change this in settings. For now I’m just trying to get images back up.

I’m taking a break before tackling all the doujinshi pages. Those will take a while.

November 2nd:

Woke up, fed cats, had breakfast, listened to some YST soundtrack songs to get in the mood and began again today.

Doujinshi A – C is done.

The new plugin definitely crops in a landscape mode, and there doesn’t seem to be a way to change that. I hope it looks good enough to everyone. I’ve tried to find other plugins but all their screenshots show landscape images. So there’s no telling any of those will work any better.

Doujinshi D – F and Doujinshi G – I are done.

Doujinshi J – M are done.

And I’m stopping for the night. Hopefully everything will be back up tomorrow.

November 3rd:

Doujinshi N – S and Doujinshi T – Z are done.

With that all the image galleries on the site should be replaced. If you find any stragglers, feel free to contact me.

Again thank you for your patience.