Dear Tumblr,
We need to talk…
(The notification cut off the tag which is #samuraitroopers)
Dear Tumblr,
We need to talk…
(The notification cut off the tag which is #samuraitroopers)
It seems the Mashou and Kayura doujinshi well has run a bit dry lately. Meaning I can’t find any new ones to add to this site. So I’m addressing this to you my dear visitors. What other content to you want to see posted or shared here?
Here’s some of my ideas that I’ve been thinking about.
Like I said these are just some ideas of mine. I’m hoping some of these ideas will lead to other fans submitting links to their work so that they can be posted here. That way other fans can find their work easier. And as you’ve certainly noticed the trend, I will give credit in any form that person wants. (Email, website, artwork website, blog, etc.)
Feel free to suggest your own ideas in the comments.
Thank you in advance!
It’s official. Today I bought tickets for Anime Weekend Atlanta. AWA takes place from September 24th until September 27th.
This is the first convention I’ve been to in years. Basically because this is the first time in years my husband and I have been able to afford to attend a convention again. And all those years of not being able to afford to go anywhere has made me a bit stir crazy. I need to get out and do things again.
This is also the first time we’ll be doing AWA for the full weekend. We went to Anime Weekend Atlanta once several years ago for a day, so we didn’t really get a feel for the con. We hope to change that this year.
My husband and I are still debating about MomoCon. (May 28-May 31st) Since we’re at the last cost tier before walk-in registration we have some time to see if we have the money and can take the time off.
Now some of you may be saying, what about DragonCon? Um. No. Just no. We went a couple of times (2 years in a row) several years ago. It was before they expanded DragonCon again. It’s become too big and too expensive for us. Too many different hotels that you’re constantly walking to and from to attend panels. Saturdays are just a massive amount of people, front to back and shoulder to shoulder. And then there’s the temptation in the dealer rooms to spend money we really shouldn’t be spending. So we’re going to try just anime conventions and see how it goes.
Also the Decatur Book Festival falls on the same weekend as DragonCon. Admission to that is free, so I just end up spending my money on lots and lots of new books. A much more enjoyable experience even though the book festival is held outdoors.
So long post to say, I’m finally attending a convention again, and with any luck maybe two this year!
Happy New Year!
Wishing everyone all the best for this year!
Note: Original rant about Complete Collection set (release date September 28, 2004) has been condensed down. (It was originally a 2 part rant on my old website.)
First of all, it’s not really a box. It’s a slip cover with 4 sides. It goes over the DVD set. Second, they changed the DVDs to slim cases. Anyone who bought the DVD volumes separately have no hopes of purchasing a box to house their collection in now.
I was also surprised at what seemed like the lack of effort to put a quality box set together. Just to give you fans an idea, here are some pictures of the Japanese box sets.
TV Series Box Cover Art:
OVA Series Box Cover Art:
Closer Looks:
Included with the set(s):
Now those are quality box sets! Why couldn’t we have that?!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad a box set is finally out. I know a few people who have been waiting for it. It will probably create more fans of the series. I just wish it was done differently, more like the Japanese version.