I added I few more doujinshi to the site. I’m currently going through and organizing doujinshi image files on my hard drive. I’m looking to see if there are some doujinshi I haven’t posted on here yet. I’ll need to bring back the “unknown title doujinshi” page again for those I can’t translate.
Samurai Reflections has made a Flickr gallery for doujinshi cover images. I’ll be adding any Mashou and Kayura ones to my site. (Per their tumblr post: “Everyone is free to take what they want from these pictures to keep for your own archives or use them online if you have a use for them. I donβt care what you do with them.”) Those will definitely be added to an unknown title page. So many thanks for Samurai Reflections for putting these up. Quite a few doujinshi images there that I haven’t seen before.
Finally I wanted to apologize for the lack of updates lately. My husband got notice on January 20th that he would be laid off from his job on February 10th due to basically lack of work. He had been there less than a year and per the agreement/contract he signed, my husband would have to pay back a portion of his sign-on bonus. (To come out of his last paycheck.) He also would not be getting any severance pay. The only income he would get would be $300 a week for unemployment, before taxes.
My husband’s income counts for 75% of our joint income. So I would need to somehow support the both of us on my much lower income. (Mortgage, bills for house, his car payment..) Plus my income would go down as my husband would have to go on my health insurance, unless he qualified for Medicaid or some other low cost insurance. Least to say I naturally went into a stress induced panic mode. If we had no debt we might have been able to manage to make ends meet for both of us on just my income alone. With the debt it’s impossible. I was looking into ways of how to keep our house, work with debtors about our situation, and maybe talk with someone about at what point we would have to declare bankruptcy. And of course the extreme stress made all of my heath issues worse. Quite a few of them were at a level I haven’t experienced in a looong time.
My husband immediately updated his resume upon getting the news and started job hunting. Fortunately for us, he was hired for a job. My husband did have to take a pay cut, which we kind of suspected would happen. However we should still be able to make ends meet. My husband starts his new job tomorrow the 15th.
I’m still concerned about our finances. My husband’s last paycheck will be significantly less. Plus there will most likely be a gap before my husband sees the first paycheck from his new job. Though my husband getting a job has done wonders for most of my stress. Most of my health issues have quieted down, with the exception of one that usually takes weeks to recoup from.
All in all the past month or so has sucked. And I definitely feel like I’ve lost that month’s time in regards to things I wanted to do this year. I’m struggling to get back on track. And sadly this website has been one of those things I had to put aside while I dealt with this crisis. So as I said I’m working on organizing things and hopefully getting more stuff up. Please be patient with me and thank you for supporting me and visiting my site.